265 research outputs found

    Vibrational spectroscopy at electrolyte/electrode interfaces with graphene gratings.

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    Microscopic understanding of physical and electrochemical processes at electrolyte/electrode interfaces is critical for applications ranging from batteries, fuel cells to electrocatalysis. However, probing such buried interfacial processes is experimentally challenging. Infrared spectroscopy is sensitive to molecule vibrational signatures, yet to approach the interface three stringent requirements have to be met: interface specificity, sub-monolayer molecular detection sensitivity, and electrochemically stable and infrared transparent electrodes. Here we show that transparent graphene gratings electrode provide an attractive platform for vibrational spectroscopy at the electrolyte/electrode interfaces: infrared diffraction from graphene gratings offers enhanced detection sensitivity and interface specificity. We demonstrate the vibrational spectroscopy of methylene group of adsorbed sub-monolayer cetrimonium bromide molecules and reveal a reversible field-induced electrochemical deposition of cetrimonium bromide on the electrode controlled by the bias voltage. Such vibrational spectroscopy with graphene gratings is promising for real time and in situ monitoring of different chemical species at the electrolyte/electrode interfaces

    Does the Dirac Cone Exist in Silicene on Metal Substrates?

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    Absence of the Dirac cone due to a strong band hybridization is revealed to be a common feature for epitaxial silicene on metal substrates according to our first-principles calculations for silicene on Ir, Cu, Mg, Au, Pt, Al, and Ag substrates. The destroyed Dirac cone of silicene, however, can be effectively restored with linear or parabolic dispersion by intercalating alkali metal atoms between silicene and the metal substrates, offering an opportunity to study the intriguing properties of silicene without further transfer of silicene from the metal substrates

    Nonsynonymous substitution rate (Ka) is a relatively consistent parameter for defining fast-evolving and slow-evolving protein-coding genes

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    BACKGROUND: Mammalian genome sequence data are being acquired in large quantities and at enormous speeds. We now have a tremendous opportunity to better understand which genes are the most variable or conserved, and what their particular functions and evolutionary dynamics are, through comparative genomics. RESULTS: We chose human and eleven other high-coverage mammalian genome data-as well as an avian genome as an outgroup-to analyze orthologous protein-coding genes using nonsynonymous (Ka) and synonymous (Ks) substitution rates. After evaluating eight commonly-used methods of Ka and Ks calculation, we observed that these methods yielded a nearly uniform result when estimating Ka, but not Ks (or Ka/Ks). When sorting genes based on Ka, we noticed that fast-evolving and slow-evolving genes often belonged to different functional classes, with respect to species-specificity and lineage-specificity. In particular, we identified two functional classes of genes in the acquired immune system. Fast-evolving genes coded for signal-transducing proteins, such as receptors, ligands, cytokines, and CDs (cluster of differentiation, mostly surface proteins), whereas the slow-evolving genes were for function-modulating proteins, such as kinases and adaptor proteins. In addition, among slow-evolving genes that had functions related to the central nervous system, neurodegenerative disease-related pathways were enriched significantly in most mammalian species. We also confirmed that gene expression was negatively correlated with evolution rate, i.e. slow-evolving genes were expressed at higher levels than fast-evolving genes. Our results indicated that the functional specializations of the three major mammalian clades were: sensory perception and oncogenesis in primates, reproduction and hormone regulation in large mammals, and immunity and angiotensin in rodents. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that Ka calculation, which is less biased compared to Ks and Ka/Ks, can be used as a parameter to sort genes by evolution rate and can also provide a way to categorize common protein functions and define their interaction networks, either pair-wise or in defined lineages or subgroups. Evaluating gene evolution based on Ka and Ks calculations can be done with large datasets, such as mammalian genomes. REVIEWERS: This article has been reviewed by Drs. Anamaria Necsulea (nominated by Nicolas Galtier), Subhajyoti De (nominated by Sarah Teichmann) and Claus O. Wilke

    Interfacial Properties of Bilayer and Trilayer Graphene on Metal Substrates

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    One popular approach to prepare graphene is to grow them on transition metal substrates via chemical vapor deposition. By using the density functional theory with dispersion correction, we systematically investigate for the first time the interfacial properties of bilayer (BLG) and trilayer graphene (TLG) on metal substrates. Three categories of interfacial structures are revealed. The adsorption of B(T)LG on Al, Ag, Cu, Au, and Pt substrates is a weak physisorption, but a band gap can be opened. The adsorption of B(T)LG on Ti, Ni, and Co substrates is a strong chemisorption, and a stacking-insensitive band gap is opened for the two uncontacted layers of TLG. The adsorption of B(T)LG on Pd substrate is a weaker chemisorption, with a band gap opened for the uncontacted layers. This fundamental study also helps for B(T)LG device study due to inevitable graphene/metal contact.Comment: 1 table, 8 figure

    The impact of computed high b-value images on the diagnostic accuracy of DWI for prostate cancer: A receiver operating characteristics analysis.

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    To evaluate the performance of computed high b value diffusion-weighted images (DWI) in prostate cancer detection. 97 consecutive patients who had undergone multiparametric MRI of the prostate followed by biopsy were reviewed. Five radiologists independently scored 138 lesions on native high b-value images (b = 1200 s/mm2), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps, and computed high b-value images (contrast equivalent to b = 2000 s/mm2) to compare their diagnostic accuracy. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis and McNemar's test were performed to assess the relative performance of computed high b value DWI, native high b-value DWI and ADC maps. No significant difference existed in the area under the curve (AUC) for ROCs comparing B1200 (b = 1200 s/mm2) to computed B2000 (c-B2000) in 5 readers. In 4 of 5 readers c-B2000 had significantly increased sensitivity and/or decreased specificity compared to B1200 (McNemar's p < 0.05), at selected thresholds of interpretation. ADC maps were less accurate than B1200 or c-B2000 for 2 of 5 readers (P < 0.05). This study detected no consistent improvement in overall diagnostic accuracy using c-B2000, compared with B1200 images. Readers detected more cancer with c-B2000 images (increased sensitivity) but also more false positive findings (decreased specificity)

    Spatial and Diurnal Variations of Particulate Matter Concentration of a Pilot-Scale Aviary Layer House in Winter

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    Laying hen production plays an important role in particulate matter (PM) emissions which potentially cause air pollution and adverse health effect on animals and workers. Aviary cage-free (CF) egg production systems have been attracting increasing attention due to concerns over animal welfare and increased market demand. While studies have been conducted to characterize PM concentrations and emissions of aviary CF houses with litter floor, few reports are available of this information for aviary CF layer houses equipped with slat floor. In this study, PM concentrations – both spatial and diurnal patters inside a pilot-scale aviary CF layer house (1,800 laying hens, LxWxH of 28.2 x 9.0 x 3.0 m) in northern China were measured under winter conditions. Daily mean PM2.5, PM10, and TSP levels were found to be 0.19±0.11, 1.05±0.65, 2.90±2.07 mg/m3, respectively, which were considerably lower than those reported in previous studies of aviary CF houses with litter floor in cold weather. Daytime PM concentrations were significantly higher than those at night primarily due to differences in animal activity and feed supply. The average PM10 and TSP concentrations during light period (5:00-21:00 h) were 1.34 mg/m3 and 3.75 mg/m3, amounting to 279% and 304% of those during the dark period (21:00-5:00h), respectively. Spatial variations for PM10 and TSP were observed in the experimental hen house due to non-uniform distribution of ventilation air and localized generation of the constituents. Higher TSP concentrations (4.26 mg/m3) were found at worker respiratory level (2.0 m) as compared to floor level (0.5 m, 3.00 mg/m3). TSP concentration at one end of the house (west) was found to be 28.3% and 86.9% higher than the middle and the opposite (east) end. This spatial variation characteristic points out the importance of multi-location sampling when assessing indoor air quality and aerial emissions (for cross ventilation). Data from this study will be useful for future improvement of the housing ventilation design and operation. Future study should also assess PM concentrations of the housing style under warm seasons

    Structure basis for the unique specificity of medaka enteropeptidase light chain

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    Thermal stresses concern not renewed type of stresses, that is once having liberated, they cannot accumulate more. The estimation of purely thermoelastic contribution to a lithosphere stress state gives the additional information, allowing to predict the danger connected with such natural factors, as seismic and volcanic activity. Some theoretical thermoelastic problems for the geological environment of a difficult outline with non-uniform thermophysical characteristics are considered. The decision is received on the basis of a numerical finite elements method. Influence of the model fixation, the geometrical factor and boundary conditions on distribution of thermal stresses and dislocation is investigated. Computing experiments have shown, that the size of the maximum thermal stresses reaches 500 bar. The maximum values of vertical dislocation are reached by 90 m, and horizontal — 50 m. Neutral plane position are precisely defined. Термоупругие напряжения относятся к невозобновляемому типу напряжений, то есть, однажды высвободившись, напряжения не могут накапливаться вновь. Расчет термоупругого вклада в напряженное состояние литосферы дает дополнительную информацию, позволяющую оценить опасность, связанную с такими природными явлениями, как сейсмичность и вулканическая активность. Рассмотрено несколько теоретических моделей для геологической среды сложного очертания с неоднородными теплофизическими характеристиками. Решение получено на основе численного метода конечных элементов. Исследовано влияние «закрепления» модели, геометрического фактора, неоднородных граничных условий на распределение термоупругих напряжений и перемещений. Вычислительные эксперименты показали, что величина максимальных термоупругих напряжений достигает 500 б. Максимальные величины вертикальных перемещений не превышают 90 м, горизонтальных — 50 м. Положение нейтральной плоскости определяется точно. На основі методу скінченних елементів отримано детальний розподіл термопружних напружень і переміщень для неоднорідного геологічного середовища. Досліджено взаємний вплив геометрії середовища й неоднорідних граничних умов на розподіл термопружних напружень та переміщень